Call for Papers

Disclaimer: Select papers from the conference will be published by Springer as a proceedings book volume. Springer will conduct quality checks on the accepted papers and only papers that pass these checks will be published.


Springer Nature does not charge any money for the publication of Non-Open Access content. Abstracts/extended abstracts and short papers (less than 4 pages) are not considered for publication.

Extended abstracts are invited for submission in the subject area. After the peer  review and incorporation of suggested modifications by reviewers,  authors of accepted extended abstracts will be invited to submit six- page full length paper.

The accepted extended abstracts will be published in the proceedings of  the conference and full-length papers will be provided with CD/E-proceedings. 

Selected papers will be published as special  issue in reputed journals.

Template for Power Point Presentations: Link

Template for Power Point Presentations for UG Students: Link

Submissions need to be uploaded at Microsoft CMT under the conference title INCAM. Please create a free user ID with Microsoft CMT if you don't already have one. Only the uploaded file will be peer-reviewed. Under Create new submission, the INCAM 2024 track needs to be selected for further process.

Templates for Extended Abstract and Full-Length Papers

The template can be downloaded from the above link in the File Tab menu. EDIT access is not provided

Submissions: All submissions must follow the templates and shall be in both .pdf and MS Word formats. 

Proceedings: Once the authors receive the acceptance of the Extended Abstracts, the authors shall submit the Full-Length papers strictly as per Publisher Guidelines for publication in Proceedings. This will be indexed in Scopus, EI Compendex, Google Scholar, and others.

Double Blind Review: All full-length papers will be subjected to double-blind review. Only the revised papers as per reviewers' comments and accepted shall be published in Proceedings.

Disclaimer: All accepted papers from the conference will be published by Publisher as a proceedings book volume. Publisher will conduct quality checks on the accepted papers and only the papers that pass these checks will be published.