Mini Symposia

Mini-symposia Topics:

Any life member of ISAM can propose to hold a mini-symposium in INCAM 2024.

The coordinator must express his / her interest by filling up the Google form for the mini-symposium before January  30th, 2024 (given in the Google form).

The symposium coordinator is entrusted with the comprehensive oversight of the mini-symposium, encompassing the following responsibilities:

Program Composition: The mini-symposium is structured to include a minimum of five presentations and is expected to have an Invited lecture.

Communication Protocols: A designated contact person must be provided, offering a point of contact for any inquiries about the mini-symposium.

Abstract Review and Paper Submission: The coordinator is responsible for managing the review process of abstracts and ensuring the timely submission of final papers.

Sponsorship Acquisition: Efforts to secure sponsors for the mini-symposium constitute a critical responsibility of the coordinator.

Hospitality and Registration: Local hospitality and registration accommodations will be extended to both invited speakers and the symposium coordinator, enhancing their overall experience.

ISAM EC Support: The symposium coordinator will receive assistance from the ISAM EC to facilitate the successful execution of the mini-symposium.

Mini-symposia Conveners

Dr. M. V. N. SivaKumar (CED)                                Dr. Suresh Periyannan (MED)                              Dr. R. Arockia Kumar (MMED) 

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